Join my Christmas 2022 VIP list

This year my mini sessions are based on every child’s favourite Christmas elf.
My “Elf on the Shelf” themed sessions will be full of mischievous fun,
which will create the perfect Christmas card photos and gifts.

The background will be a set from Santa’s workshop with various props. The elf hat, neckerchiefs and gloves will be provided, you just need your children in all red or x-mas pjs! 

In addition to the elf theme, I will also be taken traditional Christmas images too!
These will be without the elf custom, so you will have best of both!

These sessions will only be available on the 11th, 12th and 27th November 2022.
You will receive your images ready to download within 1 week.

To receive the priority booking link and full details on the sessions, 

please join the VIP list by filling in the form below…
